Polite & Friendly's


COD WAW Punkbuster Challenges

FrwyDaveMon May 21, 2012 5:50 pm

Hi everyone, after a system crash, and reformat of the OS, I am attempting to get CODWAW back up and running.  I keep getting booted by Punkbuster, and the error messages have varied:
- punkbustera.exe...  was the first one
- This PB server requires (A1409 C2.259) error loading pbcl- got this one several times
- PB init failure= This one is the current one

I have uninstalled the game and reinstalled patches twice.

I have located the PB folders in users/David/activision/etc. pb and also in c/program files/activitgion/codwaw/ob and deleted them.  Then went back to evenbalance to reinstall.  The only method I've used to reinstall PB is through PBsetup.  The latest version, from what I can tell, is v2.308, which is the one I have currenly, but I keep getting kicked.  CODWAW says the Client version is v2.308  A1409, and the server version is V1.814 A1409  C2.308

Please, someone help if possible.

Thanks a bunch,

Fairway Dave
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LowFlyerMon May 21, 2012 10:43 pm

Hey Fairway Dave,
First uninstall punkbuster using control panel, then I would suggest deleting the punkbuster folder alltogether. It will be located in the WAW folder under steamapps in Steam folder. ( If you are running Steam) Then go to evenbalance.com and download the punkbuster installer. Run that installer and it will scan your hard drive for all the punkbuster games on your computer. It will then let you update punkbuster for all your games at once.
Just make sure to uninstall punkbuster first under comtrol panel and then delete the punkbuster folder where I said. If you aren't running Steam then delete it under the game folder wherever you can locate it.
If you can run CCleaner which you can download off piriform.com for free and run it before you reinstall. Clean your computer and clean your registry.
If you do all that your computer should run better and your games will work again.
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FrwyDaveTue May 22, 2012 3:57 pm

Funny!  I don't even SEE Punkbuster in my control panel!  Sad
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StingrayThu May 24, 2012 8:07 pm

Dave here a link to PB support  http://box22.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
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