Polite & Friendly's


Dead Space 2

BraxisFri Jan 28, 2011 4:29 pm

Ok, so a haven't been around for the last couple of days, somewhat due to all the snow that we've been getting, but, in no small part, because of this game.  

This game is not for the faint of heart, if you get sickened by dismemberment, TONS of blood, creepy lighting/sound, psychopathic killers... yea, Its a horror game.  And one that completely sucked me in.

Now, I am a bit biased, I love action/horror titles, i have all the resident evil's, I have played the F.E.A.R. series more times than I can count, and I have played through the first Dead Space on Hardcore mode (tough enemies, and if you die, you go back to your last save, and you only get 3 for the whole game... O___O)

Despite this, DS2 still managed to wow me. It had amazingly detailed visuals, an actually spooky-in-its-plausibility plot, and the character development and voice work is excellent.  

My only gripe is that gameplay-wise, there is no marked difference from the previous game.  the same weapons are back (with a couple additions), and the enemies are all the same as last time (tho there is a bit more visual variety and detail).  You even go through the same blend of fights, free-fall puzzles, and spooky hallways with bad/flickering lighting and blood everywhere.  

But maybe I'm being picky, it was a good, solid, immersive game the first time around, why change it?

recommendations:  If you haven't played DS1 yet, go pick that up first ($20 on STEAM), as the story is very relevant to DS2.  Also, if you have a console, rent it for that, its cheaper, and they are only about 8-10 hours long per game.

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Warpcore713Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:25 pm

cant wait to get this game, loved the first one, the idea u only have  a small selection of weapons (4 i think) and the way info is displayed not via a HUD but on ur char (first time i have seen a game do it this way) I was kept on the edge of my chair all thru it with  spine chilling noises & nice graphics, especially with the lights of lol  Shocked   most of these games regardless of the backstory are the same, but I find that ok, it the suspense that draws me to it. creeping down a corridor, weapon poised knowing any second some upside down-inside out bodged genetic experiment is about do its best to gut me like a fish.
DS did this with flying colours and the zero G was a nice addition, so for what i have seen so far DS2 should keep me happy (and the lights ON!!  Embarassed  )
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