IM BANNED !!!!!!!!
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#1: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: KAMAKAZZI PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:04 pm
i been banned for a week now from one of the server for codwaw i think is sever 2 or 1
and i have no idea why ? alot of yous know me i play there all the time and i do fallow the rules . i ask some members but they told me
to post something on the forums so im here hope i can get back .. Sad

i also will like to join bk but i think im kinda old 23
like alot of yous bk members know i always have the highst scores on your servers
if i can get some info on how to join that will be great

thanks in advance


Last edited by KAMAKAZZI on Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:31 am; edited 1 time in total

#2: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: BraxisLocation: Connecticut, USA PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:11 pm
LOL, kinda old? We have members in their 50's.  As for the ban, it may be a glitch, or you may have been swearing...  I dont know myself, but I'm sure that someone does.

#3: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: StrandLocation: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:29 pm
Yea dude your not too old the average age is like 30 something, possibly higher (sorry BK, its just a guesstimate, don't hate Smile ). As for the highest scores, that may be but only when I'm not

To the real issue, there have been multiple Punk Buster bans that happen randomly sometimes for the reason "prior to kick/ban" if this was an issue you may be a victim of punk buster, but can also be reversed by our admins.

take care.

#4: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: NEMATODELocation: Chicagoland PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:24 pm
I've been admin'ing 2 the last 3 hours or so and I didn't kick him

#5: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: TheBear PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:45 pm

KAMAKAZZI wrote (View Post):

... but i think im kinda old 23

23.........Old?  LOL!  You're still just a kid!

#6: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: KAMAKAZZI PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:33 pm

TheBear wrote (View Post):

KAMAKAZZI wrote (View Post):

... but i think im kinda old 23

23.........Old?  LOL!  You're still just a kid!

hey bear lol
sorry about the age lol

Last edited by KAMAKAZZI on Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:32 am; edited 1 time in total

#7: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: LukeLocation: Grand Rapids, MI PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:38 pm
Sorry to hear this happened why dont you try our other server for now. I will contact our head admin and have this fixed today. We will be exited to have you join *BK*. We have members ranging in age from 16 threw 70 so dont let your age worry you.


#8: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: KAMAKAZZI PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:30 am

#9: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: DWEISELLocation: Colorado Springs,CO. PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:43 pm
I didnt ban you.Last time I talked to you ,you said Luke talked to you and we played on,That was 3-4 days ago.

#10: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: StrandLocation: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:46 pm
i think its be resolved by now, not sure

#11: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: KAMAKAZZI PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:12 am
hey DWEISEL yea i thought i was unbanned when i email luke but NO . when i talk to you i was still banned from the other server i just dint know

I been banned for 7 or 9 days now

i just check and im still banned from server one the original Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad



#12: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: KAMAKAZZI PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:05 am
BUMP!!!!!!! im Still BANNED  =(

#13: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: LukeLocation: Grand Rapids, MI PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:18 pm
Try sending Viper a PM on our website. He is the best guy to help you with this.

Sorry for the wait.

#14: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: Viper PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:56 pm
Dont know what to tell ya. You are not on any ban list and if you are still banned that means you are in the Data file for using a hack.


Someone gave you a lonnnnnng timed kick

#15: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: WrcknCrwLocation: Chicago, IL - USA PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:47 pm
I might be mistaken, but weren't you playing on Server 2 yesterday KAMAKAZZI ?
I don't recall the exact spelling of the name I saw.

#16: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: KAMAKAZZI PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:58 pm
yes i play eveyday on the server 2  =)  but  im banned from server 1 = (  
i have a 9000 dollar pc  there is no way i will hack not word risking a hardware banned from punkbuster .. for me

#17: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: KAMAKAZZI PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:14 am
thanks for unbanning me from server one guys =) 2 months waiting time
but now im banned from server 2 ??????????????????????????????

banned in the middle of the game no resone  no warning? i do fallow the rules beeing playing in this servers for months now!!!

#18: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: HuH PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:15 am
We are looking into the matter currently as I informed you in game. GOA Luke should contact you soon.

#19: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: LukeLocation: Grand Rapids, MI PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:44 am
KAMAKAZZI I really dont know why you where banned I have no info about it right now. I'll try to look into it and get back to you tomorrow.


#20: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: KAMAKAZZI PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:45 am
thank you sir!!!

#21: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: wesleyLocation: Iowa PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:40 am
Server 1 that you had played on is no longer BK's. I can check my logs to see if I banned you for language problems. Our previous server 2 is now our #1 server. You need to tell me if it is now server 1 or server 2 that you are still banned on so I can try to find the reason and then ask the officers for their recommendations. Thanks KAMAKAZZI.

#22: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: {BdG}NiteGoat PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:01 pm
Hey Forest, Kanye, Borack, Kamakazzi or whatever else you're calling yourself these days. You obviously mistakenly made your way onto the PBbans master banlist. We all know this is probably an error.

NOT. Punkbuster picked up whatever you were running.

BK, this is why he can't get on your server. You guys didn't ban him. He was banned by Punkbuster/Evenbalance for hacking.

Here's the link:

and the data in case you can't access the link.

Date Added   Apr 22, 2009 at 8:20 pm
Game Call of Duty World at War
Links ID 123827 [View Ban XML]
Violation Data
Type EvenBalance Violation
GUID 2d5d775e232e3a3fdcba46f34403d548 (MPI)
Alias -KanyeWest- (GT | GM)
IP Address [United States]
Violation VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 89188
Streaming Source
Team =|A8|=
Server IP (GT | GM)
Server Desc =|A8|= 24/7 DOME RANK-UP!!!
Server Logs
->PBSV: VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) #89188: -KanyeWest- (slot #29) Violation (GAMEHACK) #89188 [2d5d775e232e3a3fdcba46f34403d548(-)]
Master Player Index Data
Alias (12) User IP (2)

[United States] 24.14.145.*
[United States]

If you guys wish to run a clean server, I'd highly recommend getting your server streaming to It's easy to do. Send a server admin over there and you should have an added layer of cheat protection running on the server in a couple hours.

#23: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: POMPEY-J PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:52 pm
Thanks so much for that info nitegoat.....
I think that this has cleared up some points that were obviously missing!!!
I personally have had ideas that a player named 'swineflu' could be less than honourable and this has proved my suspicions.
thanks again and the headsup will prove useful for us in the future.

#24: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: KAMAKAZZI PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:01 pm
WOW thats a long list of names there im pretty sure  this is probably an error

Wow 15 names and using hacks thats crazy!!!!!!!!!! i got my key from ebay i think they still selling the key to other people or its a error
thats they only thing i can think of

thanks alot {BdG}NiteGoat it clear alot ....

#25: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: StrandLocation: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:48 am
It is what it is, even if it is an "error" as you say.

#26: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: HuH PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:14 am

I'm sorry but from a LOGICAL perspective why would someone come on here and challenge this if they KNEW they were cheating??  I mean if this guy has been banned once already and then has been banned once again and has, supposedly, all these other names which he has "cheated" under then WHY would he keep coming back?  Also, why would he put himself under such scrutiny at this point? If anything he would stand a LARGE chance of being blocked permanently from all of our servers and being reported to some anti-cheat group.  Now I may not be going into Criminal Psychology but in regular psychology I really can't find a reason for why he would do this.  Makes no sense for the most part unless this is a pathological hacker who is using this opportunity to manipulate us all and somehow achieve some pleasure or gratification in it. Again, from how I have seen people react to "cheating," then he would stand a 99% chance of being tossed to the curb.  I know our organization does not handle situations in this manner and if a player has a fair question, being very civil in this case, then we owe them an explanation.  Surprised

I personally have played -SwineFlu- and find no fault thus far, though his name makes me laugh uneasily. I believe hard evidence needs to be presented here and we all know how fallible Punk Buster can be. From what I see presented here it was a player -KanyeWest- who was accused of "hacking." Again, I ask for logic when looking at the names on that list of aliases and notice the stark contrast between them. One with a racial side and the others not resembling it in the least bit.

Not saying I'm right here, I just thought I would point out a few things from my perspective.

My sincerest respect to all involved and appreciation for your time and consideration.


#27: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: {BdG}NiteGoat PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:30 am
Allow me to explain myself.

I'm the head server admin for my clan. We take cheating very seriously. At this point, the GUID attached to all of those aliases has been detected by Punkbuster as running a program on the disallowed list. Was he cheating in game? Possibly, more than likely, he was. He wasn't necessarily, BUT, he had the tools to do so on his computer. That is what PB looks for. Regardless of what he says, he most definitely did play on a couple different servers with all of those aliases at one point or another.

At this point, you guys could not unban him even if you wanted to. This is above all of us. His only recourse is to go to and file a ticket and attempt to appeal his ban. Appeals are RARELY granted. 99 times out of 100 when Punkbuster catches you, it's right. Excuses like my little brother, friend or dog put it on your computer get you nowhere.

Aside from filing for an appeal, his only other options are to only play on servers without Punkbuster enabled and hack to his hearts content with all the other hackers or buy a new copy of the game. The GUID he has now is toast. Without an successful appeal, Evenbalance will never reactivate it.

As far as a hardware ban, well, you really really have to go out of your way to get one of those. People who get hardware bans typically are those who aren't doing something simply to circumvent Punkbuster on their own system, but those who attempt to damage Punkbuster through some sort of malicious attack on the Punkbuster system, so he doesn't have to worry about his precious $9000 computer being locked out, since it appears that he, and hundreds of other hackers got the exact same VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 89188 ban that he did, from buying or downloading something in an effort to pwn the noobs.

And in case anyone is wondering, 'Who is this NiteGoat person?' I occassionally play on your server as AcidKing.

#28: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: NEMATODELocation: Chicagoland PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:23 pm
$9000 computer and can't afford to buy the game retail. That's so sad. I'm crying right now.

#29: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: StrandLocation: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:34 pm
Thanks Nitegoat, your insight is welcomed.

#30: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: LADYHAWK PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:38 pm
nema, i share your pain......I think if i added the entire contents of my house, it would barely top 5,000......sob.......
BE GOOD.....BE BK!!!

#31: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: FreyLocation: Denver, CO PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:37 pm
Nitegoat thank you for you input.  Keep in mind that Kamakazzi could be truthful.  He may have purchased the game used and over ebay.  It is odd that he paid so much for a computer, but, we are not fully aware of his circumstances....especially in today's economic environment things happen.  Kamakazzi, seems like the best bet for you is to go out, purchase a new W@W game and go from there due to the global PB ban that is attached to your GUID.  Good note for everyone as to one of the reasons why it isn't the best idea to buy used software.

#32: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: StrandLocation: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:45 pm
But really, how much of a coincidence would it be that over half those alias appeared on our servers, especially -KanyeWest- the alias that was in use when the PB ban was issued. I think the percentage would be slim to none. The proof is in the pudding.

#33: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: {BdG}NiteGoat PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:41 pm
It's admirable that you guys would like to give him the benefit of the doubt. I too prefer to look for the best in people, but in this case, the evidence is overwhelmingly not in his favor.

Not only are all those aliases tied to one GUID, they are tied to two IP ranges, both in the Chicago area, both using Comcast as the ISP. As a server admin registered with, I get a wonderful little Google map with the location of the banned player.

I'm gonna recommend again that you guys send your main server admin over to and sign up and get your servers streaming to the master ban list. It's a wonderful tool to weed out unsavory players.

#34: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: KAMAKAZZI PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:34 pm
WOW GUYS!!!  yous taking this relly personal like a kill somebody,(not bk members they cool) its just a game its maybe a big error on pbserver or something
like i said i dont need to hack . i play on this server all the time and i respect all the rules and players i know it will get fix soon or later

thanks acidking i think i pwd you a few times pretty bad . i know wher ur anger is coming from now to put this on me lol jk

dont worry il get a new game (key ) and change the id numbers on my network card and hardrives with a id changer and a new ip no more bans and im back to normal
thers nothing to worry guys. i was going to do this before but i got respect for this clan so it was polite to ask

i know its a big mistake on pbs ..but talking to them it will take forever  for a simple thing that could get fix..

im pretty old to argue with people over a game so ill take care of this no need to worry guys

thanks bk member for your help mad prop to HUH for that speach =)

and {BdG} if you relly think im a hacker how about you get your clan togheter Vs me  ( on your server )and il record it and post this  to show i dont need hack to pwd you all lol seriouly

love yous BK!!!

#35: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: {BdG}NiteGoat PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:38 pm
If you would like to find our server, I welcome you to, but I'm not going to give you any information about my clan on another clan's forum without their express permission as this is not my house and it is impolite to do so..

#36: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: HuH PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 11:21 pm
Hahahahaha. Problem solved. Any other objections?? I personally appreciate the effort NiteGoat and the info on PB.  We will see if he is "hacking" or has equipment to hack for he will be banned once again. Then we would know for sure.

I am still skeptical though. Its truly not the mind frame of someone who is purposefully doing something wrong. Then again I do give the disclaimer that I'm not a Psychologist.... yet. Lol.  Surprised

PFC. HuH *BK* Echo!

#37: Re: IM BANNED !!!!!!!! Author: smile PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:27 am
night goat if you would please email me at smilee_54 [at] yahoo [dot] com.  I would like more information on pbans and what the cost would be.  I have been to the website and have been registed with that website.  Mr-t I think this issue it mute and should be locked thanks

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