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Bad Karma -> Other Games

#1: mapathy Author: KillSh0t PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 1:22 pm
Oh....mapathy, mapathy, mapathy.
hey DICE we need new map's.
I know theres a bug with the knife in this game,
But I really could give two scrap's.
I'm already bored with laguna,
I got this feeling of deja vue
"how does this guy know where I am hiding?"
When the last round I was hiding there too.
And please dont give us the same map's,
Just to play in a different mode.
Cuz the old one's are getting real boring.
There's a reason were calling them old!
Oh...mapathy, mapathy, mapathy.
Hey DICE....
We need new maps!

#2: Re: mapathy Author: KillSh0t PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 1:25 pm
Just realized how bored I actually was when I decided to write that :/

#3: Re: mapathy Author: Silent_WolfLocation: Loveland, Colorado PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 2:29 pm
We dont need new maps yet, I was just start to get good with these ones.   Laughing

Okay okay, we need new maps, but we BC2 needs to give stop giving us rubber bullets so I can start killing ppl.  Twisted Evil

#4: Re: mapathy Author: WannaBLocation: North Carolina PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 4:18 pm
Yea i know Sad its ridiculous how many times Ive unloaded a clip into someone for them just to turn and kill me...

#5: Re: mapathy Author: KillSh0t PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 4:25 pm
I think thats hit detection or as i like to call it hit (un)detection.

For real tho, I cant play for more then 1/2 hour lately without just getting extremely bored with it...
Nothing suprising anymore, I been around these map's a million time's, I know the hide out's, some of them people dont know about, yet.
I know where the snipers will be sometimes down to the bush their hiding in....
Most times im dragged into these same places because there are no other spots in certain areas and EVERYONE knows there will be people hiding in those spots.
I ferget the name of that oil map....whatever its name is...blah, tired of seeing it lol.
even my favorite (valpariso) has gotten boring for me :(

anywhoz.....if ya see me pop in for a bit, then pop back out thats why.

#6: Re: mapathy Author: WannaBLocation: North Carolina PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 4:57 pm
This is why id LOVE to be a game designer... Basically the first game that comes out for FPS's that has randomizing maps will be EPIC. WHY game developers haven't thought of this yet? I do have a theory Smile ( If the map has a specific way of loading they can tweak it so certain things load the closer you get to them )

If thats the only thing stopping them then why not splice up the map into sections that load the same way: IE Load the way RUSH loads; load where 2 mcoms are and if an character runs into another section unload the previous section and just show high quality images of it. ( Like BC2 does with things far away in the distance ) Then put up fences of some kind to prevent people from going backwards. ( after all there isnt any point in going backwards if its rush. Or if its TDM load the image and when your running at it slowly load the vegetation and such.

Hah this would be better if i had a 3D environment to demonstrate it on lol

#7: Re: mapathy Author: KillSh0t PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 5:33 pm
LoL I'd say but I kinda think I see whatchur gettin at.

Best thing for this game but I seriously doubt we'll see it would be a map editor.
So many other games I have played (RO mostly) have map editors and some of the custom made maps made by the dev's maps 90% of the time.
Nice dream but I doubt it will happen in BFBC2

#8: Re: mapathy Author: LukeLocation: Grand Rapids, MI PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 5:38 pm
Hopefully soon Dice is pretty good about patches. Hopefully they will have maps out soon.


#9: Re: mapathy Author: HeraclasLocation: Germany PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 9:11 am

KillSh0t wrote (View Post):

Just realized how bored I actually was when I decided to write that :/


#10: Re: mapathy Author: TurbodogLocation: Berwyn, IL PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 2:08 pm
yes new mapz plz!!

#11: Re: mapathy Author: KillSh0t PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 8:16 pm
I get no credit for my lyrics.....
No points for creativity.
Not even a bash over the head for being so bored I'd actually put my mind to work on writting something so....
absolutley, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

#12: Re: mapathy Author: Nam-RangerLocation: GEORIGA, USA PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 9:46 pm
They need to get rid of the box as the objective. Make the objectives were you have to plant C4, (AA GUNS, BUNKERS, AMMO DUMPS, GAS STORANGE SITES ETC..) no way to destory except by C4. It will take real team work to set the charge. Then have 10 seconds to defuse.

Team HAS to cover the C4 carrier (HE IS NOT MAKED) he has to tell the team on team chat.

Bad Karma -> Other Games

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