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Bad Karma -> CoD: Black Ops

#1: CoD Premium Service Author: WannaBLocation: North Carolina PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:25 pm
Activision still sorting out the details


As we have said previously, Activision is on a quest to launch a subscription model in conjunction with the Call of Duty franchise and now COO Thomas Tippl has confirmed that the company is working on such a model, and it is already in the pipeline for release.

While Activision is still sorting out what form this subscription model will take, the company says that the CoD Premium services (as they are referring to it now) will not cheat fans out of more content. Suggestions of multiple price points for the subscription model are whispered, but no one, including those at Activision seems to know for sure.

The goal with the subscription or CoD Premium service will be to add new and innovative service offerings that are not possible with the current model that the company has with the Call of Duty franchise today. As to what these new offerings might be, apparently they are not yet ready to say.

Despite the negative press and backlash from the CoD community, the company seems to be confident on its strategy direction and they believe that they will add enough value to get players to pay up.

Meh, if u didnt read the first post made about this basically you get the first couple months of the multiplayer for free. After which you have to pay to continue to play the multiplayer. ( just like the xbox360, they pay for the xbox live ) I think the figures were like 50 bucks for a years worth of play? ( dont quote me on that )

If this is the case.... CoD will be off my buying list for good... ( all the map makers will have to pay to play there own maps... and seen how its using VAC... *facepalm* hackers are going to be insanely high in this game... )

#2: Re: CoD Premium Service Author: Llama-ManLocation: Tennessee PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:49 pm

#3: Re: CoD Premium Service Author: DFMhellboyLocation: Texas PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:53 pm
I won't  pay em  nuttin.

#4: Re: CoD Premium Service Author: Silent_WolfLocation: Loveland, Colorado PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 5:30 pm
All console games have it cheap which is why they should pay to play on line.  

Desktop user have it way bad.  We have to buy a unit which for some of us can range in the Thousands of dollars, then we pay for internet service(yes consoles do to, but we have to have all the bells and whistles for the internet)

If COD goes to a pay program I will be NOT buying that game.

#5: Re: CoD Premium Service Author: falcontxLocation: Texas PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:21 pm
I wont buy it either if it goes to pay, COD World at War may get some more life yet.

#6: Re: CoD Premium Service Author: tetLocation: Washington PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:41 pm
I wonder what they will do about the Playstation Network, since it offers free online play by default.

#7: Re: CoD Premium Service Author: LADYHAWK PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:42 pm
they can stick that idea where the sun dont shine  Twisted Evil

#8: Re: CoD Premium Service Author: Immolation PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:49 pm
at least blackops will be good...

#9: Re: CoD Premium Service Author: SlaymoreLocation: Seattle PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:10 pm
As with most things, I'll have to see the details before I can fully comment. If the price were low, and new maps were introduced regularly, it *might* be worth it. But in general I am opposed to this kind of milking customers for everything they have. Every game company wants the holy grail like WoW gives Blizzard... but it doesn't work for many games. Specifically, in FPS, if you're limiting to 18 in a game it really doesn't work.

#10: Re: CoD Premium Service Author: pfrman PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:44 pm
im going to touch on something else along these lines though... black ops is supposedly going to be a steam exclusive(can buy it in stores and download on internet D2D but need a steam acc to play imho)

means all patching and DLC are going to come via steam....
im laying my money on DLC(new maps) not being free anymore

think my days are numbered in the CoD sereis... im not paying for more than the game

as for pay to play there is nothing stopping Activision from cutting a deal with Gameservers as they are going to be only dedi's available(price per slot already higher than WaW servers)


#11: Re: CoD Premium Service Author: WannaBLocation: North Carolina PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:51 pm
Playstation has already commented that they are going to start charging for use also. When? Nobody knows but a spokes person has already commented on that.

Sure the playstation network may be free but its not as user friendly as xbox live ( i say that from a outside reference, i dont own any of the consoles )

As for Black Ops; i got a feeling its over hyped. Just my speculation though, just from the graphics it looks very much like a mixture of WaW and MW2;

#12: Re: CoD Premium Service Author: APOSTLELocation: Robins Air Force Base Georgia PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:29 pm
Before COD WAW, I played Battlefield 1942 for years and years exclusively.  There was always a populated server to log into and it made me very happy.  Then I upgraded to WAW and found y'all.  I could play WAW for years as well.  You know what I mean?  Problem is would the cost of a server be worth keeping WAW alive for those that don't 'early adopt' or game hop?

#13: Re: CoD Premium Service Author: DFMhellboyLocation: Texas PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:30 am
Apostle did you play Desert Combat or DCX back in the day?  As for COD going to pay to play, I would think they would break the news to us next year, after we have all invested in it already.

Bad Karma -> CoD: Black Ops

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