Red Orchestra
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Bad Karma -> Other Games

#1: Red Orchestra Author: 9November PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:48 pm
Being on a COD kick here for a while , I decided yesterday to fire up RO 2 again. Now, some of the COD's were great games , but there were always little things that annoyed the bejeebers out of me about the newer series. And playing RO yesterday reminded me what those were.  The two biggest things are the walling and hip shooting.
 By walling I mean where everyone has figured out where they can park and just their gun barrel is sticking through the wall leaving them protected and their opponent vulnerable. The hip shooting is kind of silly as well. When you can "sharpie dot" a spot on your screen and hit the same spot over and over again at any range , that really breaks the realism sometimes. As a matter of fact I've had friends that were always on top of the COD charts play RO2 and all of a sudden they are at the bottom of the charts simply because they now had to learn to actually shoot since RO has no walling and has free sway added into an unshouldered there goes the hip shots as well.
  It also has actual ballistics for each round. You know how you shoot across the maps with a pistol in COD and make multiple kills? Doesn't happen in RO. Crouching is really a moot point as well since the speed is slowed and sprint only lasts as long as your stamina, which isnt long.

I'm not saying COD isnt fun, it is. And I'll keep playing sine it is and I have just about all of them going back to UO. Just saying RO/ RO2 is a nice change of pace sometimes for something harder and more objective based rather than kill score based. TWI is a small company , but still post on their forums to players and update things often. Good customer service imho. They also have another stand alone game coming out soon called Rising Storm which is South Pacific based action. Looks really good.


#2: Re: Red Orchestra Author: 9November PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:15 am
GOTY edition is 10 bucks on sale now on  Steam

#3: Re: Red Orchestra Author: WatjalukinatLocation: Cincinnati PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:42 pm
Some of the guys that were on the programming team for that, made the game we're playing this Saturday for Retro Gaming Night.  DDay: Normandy.

#4: Re: Red Orchestra Author: 9November PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:31 pm
Members of the Tripwire Dev team?

#5: Re: Red Orchestra Author: WatjalukinatLocation: Cincinnati PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:51 pm
yeah, don't know if any of them moved on to RO2, but I would assume so.

Dday dev team

Bad Karma -> Other Games

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