A reminder on Tk apologies.
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#16: Re: A reminder on Tk apologies. Author: 9November PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:40 am

On the other side of the coin I dont think someone should immediately snap on someone for a team kill without giving them a chance to apologize. I see certain members jump on people repeatedly throughout the match with instant replies like "cute" & "nice" before the person who may have accidentally TK'd even gets a chance to apologize . Then to top that off , they chastise players for their play style (i.e. "spray& pray" ," run-n-gun" ) Not very polite and friendly imho. And as far as I know there are no rules against those either , but thats a different subject.

#17: Re: A reminder on Tk apologies. Author: ScattersLocation: Sydney/ Australia PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:48 pm
I always type "sry" when I TK, I get killed a lot typing it. It should just be a habit, within clan members especially.

#18: Re: A reminder on Tk apologies. Author: Daffy688Location: Maryland, USA PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:22 am
Hi all,

I don't post much in here but this is one topic i feel strongly about. I fully agree with Helen. My personal opinion is that i  do believe the server would benefit from having a rule requiring apologizing for team kills.

My experience while playing WaW (i play no other online game) is that people that do apologize after a team kill do mean it and will do something to avoid a repeat. When someone does not apologize my experience is that they probably did it on purpose so i look closer to their gameplay. I've warned such people about team killings after i've seen their intent. It is indeed a judgment call, but from what i've seen no apology usually points to intention.

Bottom line, for me a TK does not mean an automatic, instant warning, but i will look closer at that player and warn them if i feel they're doing it on purpose.

My two cents.

#19: Re: A reminder on Tk apologies. Author: Snap71Location: Annapolis, MD PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:54 pm
Great advice can't help the TK sometimes almost everyone does it at one time or another eh? especially on large maps where the tag doesn't come up and the uniform can't be determined - poor eyesight, so the quick apology - it is a nice ting to do.

#20: Re: A reminder on Tk apologies. Author: DustyLocation: Thu Deep South, Baby. PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:53 am
Well, let me weigh in my two cents Very Happy
I have noticed a large amount of TKing on the W@W server. More than any other I have played on.
Don't take that the wrong way please. I love this server and my finally joining up proves that.
I normally get an "sry m8" or a "sry dusty" pretty soon after a TK and if its someone in TS i get an immediate sorry.
But, Several times there has been a player that is camping a certain spot or line of fire and sees movement (specially in some of those W@W maps with all the bushy terrain) and just blasts. I die, get an apology, and respawn. I walk past the same spot I just died at, and get shot again.
I don't know if its jumpy players, bad players, or what, but the amount of TKs in W@W sorta surprised me.
The blind rifle grenades blasted across the map are another source of that too.
My last one is the airstrikes and napalm strikes in Black Ops. Those seem to be dropped indiscriminately on teammates and enemies alike.
only once have i got an apology for being killed in a napalm strike/airstrike.
If we are trying to be realistic as possible i don't think deliberately dropping napalm on your buddy goes to help that image XD
Now don't get me wrong here. I'm not mad or anything, quite the opposite Very Happy
I take my playing seriously, but it is just a game. I'm not super worried about stats or K/D ratios or anything.
I do my best, and have fun.
Neither do I have suggestions for lowering TKs. i just thought i would lay some information down, give another perspective i guess.


#21: Re: A reminder on Tk apologies. Author: AbramLocation: Fort McMurray, AB PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 5:48 pm
Bump for the new folks.  I also see guests insisting on apologies. In these instances,  please remind everyone that they are not required by our rules.

Those I've seen this issue all but vanish.  Good job,  everyone!

#22: Re: A reminder on Tk apologies. Author: AbramLocation: Fort McMurray, AB PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 2:21 am
And.. bumpy.

#23: Re: A reminder on Tk apologies. Author: DiggerBazLocation: Melbourne / Australia PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 8:58 am
Good  bump Abrams. And post too

#24: Re: A reminder on Tk apologies. Author: AbramLocation: Fort McMurray, AB PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 10:09 am
I've now been seeing chat binds from BK members,  along players to apologise for teamkills.  To me,  this gives the impression that it is  a rule.  Yes,  players often apologise anyway,  but it's their prerogative.  Not ours.

#25: Re: A reminder on Tk apologies. Author: MrKrinkleLocation: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 2:01 pm
I have a key bind that says "Please apologize for any team kills, it's the polite and friendly thing to do" and unless a player comes up to me point blank and shoots, or something like that, i will take it that they are in the moment or didn't see the TK in the first place. no point getting hung up about it, just move on.

#26: Re: A reminder on Tk apologies. Author: AbramLocation: Fort McMurray, AB PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:22 pm

I'm  still song members asking for TK apologies. They are appreciated,  but not required,  whatsoever.  PLEASE stop asking for them.

#27: Re: A reminder on Tk apologies. Author: CyberlexeLocation: Belgium PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:24 pm
As it is not required, it is not an issue for me. Altough always appreciated.
For myself, I always apologise immediately, even when carrying a flag or in the middle of a fight... it's the least i can do...
It's just a part of beeing polite for me.
But again i don't feel offended if other don't do since it's not a rule!

It is not related to the gamemode, type of game or server, it is just a general courtesy to fellow players.

my 2 euro's

Bad Karma -> CoD:WaW(5)

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