Crouch Server, and the Issues on it
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Bad Karma -> Other Games

#1: Crouch Server, and the Issues on it Author: Grizzley1978Location: Calgary, Alberta PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:57 am
Hey Everyone,

Firstly let me say that I love this server as it's different then your run and gun, which are great in their own rights, but it's a great change of pace.  With that said, I know how difficult it can be to run a server like this.  As there are always people who apparently cannot read or to be honest don't pay any attention to the text box.  People are not following the rules.  I know you strive to be a fair server who promotes having run.  But when you have a server like this and people do not obey your rules, it honestly ruins the fun for everyone who is obeying.

There has been times I've seen a person get 5 - 6 warnings from various BK members.  In my mind the old classic 3 strike rule should be enough.   If they have their text box turned off, they will not see it no matter how many times.  I'm wondering if you can flash text on the middle of their screen to advise when people first come into the server instead of at the bottom?  Or when you warn people.  But I would like that you don't just keep warning them.

I was just on a server and there was several runners, and it took the entire match before one of them was kicked.  The other agreed but was bunny running.

I just feel as a player whose been having a lot of fun, it's frustrating when the people who aren't following the rules are given at times such leniency.  As mentioned I know how difficult it can be to run a server like this and I tip my hats at you for hosting it, but if they disrespect your rules and you don't do anything you are then disrespecting the players who are.

Just my thoughts.

#2: Re: Crouch Server, and the Issues on it Author: DiggerBazLocation: Melbourne / Australia PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:04 am
Gday Grizzley1978. Glad you enjoy our servers. Everything you mentioned is true about our servers insofar as the difficulties our members, players and Admins have. Sometimes there may not be an admin available for a kick but our non-admin members will still mediate by giving warnings until as you pointed out, the player is kicked after multiple warnings. We do have a 3 strike rule in place. Ie. 2 warnings then an appropriate kick. Thanks for your suggestions and input and please keep enjoying our servers.

#3: Re: Crouch Server, and the Issues on it Author: WindriderLocation: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:51 am
Hey Grizz - thanks for taking the time to come in and post - I agree that it is a pain to find a great server, only to be disappointed in rule breakers not being properly addressed.

Sorry for your bad experience - I can only agree with Baz and state that it is possible that there were only junior members of BK available, with no BK admin around - could be a time zone thing, or just one of those moments in time - either way, it hurts people like you who come to enjoy the rules and cannot.

Your suggestion regarding closed text boxes would be awesome, but unfortunately, although our admin system was designed by a top notch computer guy, we cannot override the gameplay programming itself.  However, just so you know, we do have a spot on our website for junior members to click a button and an email goes out to ALL our admins indicating someone needs a kick and nobody is available to provide.  This allows us to sign on really quick to help out - again, restricted by individual time zones.

Regardless, we have a team meeting coming up this weekend and I will bring this up for discussion.  I hope we see you in game again ... and I hope things go better for you then - if you are ever in need of assistance, please feel free to come into our teamspeak at anytime and we can try to help that way as well.

The teamspeak is for any who wish to join - no passwords and the address is: Port 9101

#4: Re: Crouch Server, and the Issues on it Author: LukeLocation: Grand Rapids, MI PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:41 am
We do have a 2 warnings than kick system but with so many BK online it can be hard to track who has already issues a warning to a player in the heat of battle. We do our best but we are human.

#5: Re: Crouch Server, and the Issues on it Author: Grizzley1978Location: Calgary, Alberta PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:48 pm
Thanks for the replies.  It's not all the time, but there are a few times it seems like nothing is getting done.  I was on last night and this one runner after the warnings disappeared while playing.  So it was nice to see the kick in action.  That's also very interesting to know that not all BK members have the ability to kick.  I assumed they did.

As for my suggestion, I think you misread my note.  I noted that there are probably people who turn off their text box so not to clutter up the screen.  This may be a reason they don't see the warnings.  I was suggesting as I know it's a part of the game to FLASH a message on their screen.  I know in BF2, the tool I was using allowed me to ping a message to a specific user and it would flash in the middle of their screen.  That should guarantee that they are seeing the message.

#6: Re: Crouch Server, and the Issues on it Author: bigconnLocation: Gastonia, North Carolina PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:49 am
You know Grizzley - if you were to join us you could help issue these warnings and be part of the solution  :)

You can also join us on TeamSpeak to ask for an Admin . . .

Bad Karma -> Other Games

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