COD Ghosts will have dedicated servers but...
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#1: COD Ghosts will have dedicated servers but... Author: LukeLocation: Grand Rapids, MI PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:44 pm
Speaking to GameSpot at Gamescom 2013, Rubin confirmed that dedicated servers would be coming to Xbox One and PC for Call of Duty: Ghosts, though Infinity Ward is still finalising the details for dedicated servers on PC. He also explained that the sheer volume of server space required to host dedicated servers for something the size of Call of Duty was one of the main challenges in incorporating the frequently requested feature into the shooter.

Read more here:
I wonder if this will be like Black Ops 2 when they had dedicated servers but no one was able to rent them or do kicks on them. Sadly I am not holding my breath for rent able dedicated servers.

#2: Re: COD Ghosts will have dedicated servers but... Author: JACKALLocation: US PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:57 pm
Sounds promising with the dedicated aspect.  Did anyone hear anything about anti camping or something about a timer on locations and if you are there too long you die?

#3: Re: COD Ghosts will have dedicated servers but... Author: LukeLocation: Grand Rapids, MI PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:04 pm
Don't hold your breath on us being able to rent servers. They have done it before where they have servers but no one can rent them.

Since they are worried about how many servers they would need tells me they plan to supply them and not allow people to rent them.

#4: Re: COD Ghosts will have dedicated servers but... Author: AbramLocation: Fort McMurray, AB PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:17 pm
If they're worried about server space, it sounds like they plan on hosting all the OC servers, so it'll be the shoddy, half-arsed version of dedicated servers that BO2 has.

Remember that this disappointing info about BO2 didn't come out until a journalist wisely though to directly ask about user-rented servers. Up until that day, everyone from the COD teams were saying, "Oh yes, PC will definetly have dedicated servers."

Apparently all Xbox One MP games will have to sue company-hosted servers, and not use p2p. So in the eyes of console users, this is a bright new day. But then, MS has been flip-flopping over Xbox One 'Feature' so much, it's hard to take them at their word.

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