Outgoing packet loss in TS3.
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#1: Outgoing packet loss in TS3. Author: AbramLocation: Fort McMurray, AB PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:28 am
So for the past month or so, I've been getting severe outgoing packet loss on our TS3 server, up to 40%. No incoming loss, so everyone else sounds fine to me.  I've no idea what is causing this. My mic works fine, and any other TS3 server i connect to - including other Chicago TS3 servers - I'm told I sound fine, and my Client Info on Ts confirms that my packet loss is the normal <1%. It's only our server, in particular.  Has this been happening to anyone else?

My upload speeds are good, no other connections are choking my modem/router, all Ts3 ports are reserved, open,  and fowarded. I've tried a complete Ts3 uninstall/reinstall.

The problem comes and goes, but for the most part, it does work. this is driving my nuts.

#2: Re: Outgoing packet loss in TS3. Author: Firecrackr1Location: Haddon Twp. NJ PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:19 pm
I'm not having ts problems, sorry can't help Abram.

#3: Re: Outgoing packet loss in TS3. Author: mr-t PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:58 am
It's abut of a long shot but have you tried disabling firewall an then testing it don't forget to turn it back on

#4: Re: Outgoing packet loss in TS3. Author: AbramLocation: Fort McMurray, AB PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:13 am
Ya, i have.  Since I seem to be the only one experiencing this, I figure it's a connect between me and the server. The loss is still up and down, and it's still only on our TS server - no others.  Our TS server is in Chicago, no? Only thing I can think of doing further is taking another route by using a VPN or shell. All the connections to the servers i play on are unchanged.

#5: Re: Outgoing packet loss in TS3. Author: mr-t PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:42 pm
Have you tried pingin the ts address that may help find where the issue is

#6: Re: Outgoing packet loss in TS3. Author: LukeLocation: Grand Rapids, MI PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 3:23 pm
I'm not sure what to tell you but after 11 hours on TS today you only have a 0.01%  packet loss. It could have been because of the sever issues we had last week.

#7: Re: Outgoing packet loss in TS3. Author: AbramLocation: Fort McMurray, AB PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 3:31 pm
Tracert comes out fine, no hop higher than a bit over 0ms, which is a bit higher than my pings on the servers in th area. I rang ping -t for 10 minutes and ha 0.02% loss. Oddly, I also ping-t for 20 seconds while yapping inot my mic. Once i start, my Client Connection Info says the Outgoing loss is up to the 30's, yet the results from the ping say zero.

Yup, it's a head-scratcher. I think I'll take all this info and post in the Teamspeak forums an see if they have any ideas.

At least everything else is fine. no problems on game servers, other TS severs, and I have have zero incoming loss, so everyone sounds just peachy on my end. Maybe I'l try rolling back to the oldest version that out server supports. Although it's been happening with the last two versions, and I think only one more older version is compatible.


#8: Re: Outgoing packet loss in TS3. Author: AbramLocation: Fort McMurray, AB PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 3:48 pm
Well, I installed the oldest verion our server support - v3.0.11 - and i have % loss now. Of course, I could be in another of those windows  where my connection goes back to normal. Time will tell. Time to start digging through the changlelog; perhaps I can see something that can explain this fin I've been having. Argle bargle ricken frackits.

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