AMD XFX R7870 DD looking for a new home!
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#1: AMD XFX R7870 DD looking for a new home! Author: Marius1195Location: Sullivan, IL PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:24 am
Hey all, it's an older card but it's free if you pay for shipping or I'll ship if you get me a Laptop Cooler Pad in trade. (Cooler Pads are around $20 for what I want.) I've had a GTX 1080 for a year and just forgot about this card sitting in the closet gathering dust.

I had put it on CL over the weekend, however I would rather see it go to use by a BK member in need so I pulled my ad. Here are the stats: AMD XFX R7870 DD Graphics Card. Features Double Dissipation, Ghost Thermal Technology, Super Core Clock, PCI-E 3.0, 2GB DDR5, Dual Mini-DisplayPort/HDMI/Dual-DVI & is 4k ready. Comes with applicable software and original box. As far as I know the card is in great working condition and would be an inexpensive card for a budget build or kid's pc. If for some reason the card doesn't work I will reimburse any costs incurred by the receiver.

For details on addresses etc... I can be reached via pm here, at  steelfan41 [at] gmail [dot] com or call/text 520 548-7648. (No calls before 9am PST please)


I have pics on my OneDrive of the card, but can't figure out the correct coding here to show or link them. If interested I will give you direct links privately. Sorry.  Embarassed  Evil or Very Mad
If anyone can help me with the pic issue on here for future reference I would appreciate some learnin'  Very Happy

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