Requests for COD4 server
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Bad Karma -> Other Games

#1: Requests for COD4 server Author: dukeLocation: United States PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 7:01 am
Hi everyone. Just got back from "vacation"(it sucked so badly) and started playing COD and noticed noticable changes. I am aware that we need to ask for changes to the server to our chappy old chaps, the admins from the CCC clan. If we can get one thing changed and i believe everyone will be most gracious is that we can have the kill cam turned off because dead people are still relaying info on enemy troop positions against us and it near impossible to stay alive from the barrage of grenades when you are a sniper such as myself. So can we please have that fixed , thank you very much. Very Happy

                                                                                                        With lots of tender love  Wink

Bad Karma -> Other Games

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