Another day in bootcamp
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#1: Another day in bootcamp Author: NEMATODELocation: Chicagoland PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:19 pm
So big changes. The city slickers got in an argument over their late night dice game in the shower. Guns where drawn. Blood was shed. We lost most of them to legal or injury. We had to scrub the mess out with tooth brushes. Somehow we got penalized.

We lost some more guys because they couldn't ever be trained to fold their skivvies right or count to 3. We lost more to guys running around on the grenade and betty range. Boom Boom out go the lights.

I was kicked off the shooting range for a bit because my drill instructor said I needed a hair cut and looked hairy.
The shooting range admin thought my name was Harry and that that could be denoted as being sexual in nature. When it was explained my real name was as american as apple pie Nematode was let back on the shooting range.

We had a week to do duty in the mess hall. This involved waking up at 3 am to peel potatoes. They have a machine to do it but we all had one day to do it the BK, way by hand.  Most lost a finger or two. Then we had to dump 55 lb bags of salt peter in everything they made. We did the pots and pans and dishes. Never really did any cooking. Cleaning out garbage cans and anything and everything like that. We kept having to push the worms back down out of site in the casserole. They say the salt peter has the opposite effect on them and well as Dean Martin and his martini used to say that's amore.

As far as marching the guys with too much rhythm toned it down. The guys with no rythm got some soul.
So we are a pretty picture for graduation when the families show up. We also know a few songs that we can't sing them in public. I know a girl who lives on the hill she won't do it but BK will. Stuff like that.

The kid from appalachias family showed up for graduation. Apparently they left appalachia by cart when he flew out to start bootcamp. I think he's still in the looney lockup. Don't know if he'll be graduating or not. The family is camped out outside the gate next to the bars with the poles. Kinda looks like they are moving in permanent. His sister and dad's head are as huge as his is. I swear they would shame a bobblehead in the noggin category.

I received your care package and as tradition dictates I shared it with the other guys. The hay and rabbit pellets where a nice change of pace from our BK rations. Chutes and Ladders is real fun. Some guy stole all the Nair. The chicken salad actually improved in the mail. We may want to mail some of that to ourselves back home.

I'm not sure when bootcamp ends because they don't let us keep calendars and the few guys that try to keep track by making notches in their abdomen where executed.

I wanted to get a tattoo of some type of warrior thingamabob. So I've decided to go with a full back tattoo of the temptation of saint anthony by Martin Schongauer. Black and silver. None of that cartoony stuff. We had a 4 hour pass to go off base and get haircuts as the barbers clippers burnt up from all the hippie freaks. So I went and got my tattoo instead. Hence my problems on the shooting range. Harry indeed!

Here is a link to my baby:

So as you can see BK has really changed me from the innocent pie eyed all american lad who left the farm those 3 weeks or so ago.

I want to kill.
Now I'm crying.

Bootcamp plays with your head!

Anyhoot Mom I will try to write once more unless I don't because that's the way I am now plus it's dandelion wine season so you won't know anyways.

Love your son NEMATODE.

#2: Re: Another day in bootcamp Author: reddragnLocation: Osijek, Croatia PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:14 pm
Nematode that is brilliant. You should put that up for sale on BK store. "Diary of a recruit"

#3: Re: Another day in bootcamp Author: SheriffLocation: Essex, England PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:44 pm
Excellent reading.

#4: Re: Another day in bootcamp Author: LADYHAWK PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:30 pm
perfect as always!

#5: Re: Another day in bootcamp Author: DiggerBazLocation: Melbourne / Australia PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:16 pm
"STITCH"  from laughing!  Nema'  the BK storyteller. Love it.

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