New to W@W and Bad Karma Servers
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Bad Karma -> CoD:WaW(5)

#1: New to W@W and Bad Karma Servers Author: RivanKLocation: North Dakota, USA PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 6:01 am
Well all, I finally broke down and loaded W@W on to the machine and started foolin' around with it. Got tired last night of waiting for members of my CoD4 clan to come on line to play! Started looking around for servers to play on and came across this 'Polite and Friendly' server and gave it a go. The maps are gonna take some geting used to, as will being spawned raped nearly everytime I spawned!! I enjoy the realism aspect by trying to limit runners and bunny hoppers and the like. Running my own CoD4 server and a Chalk leader and admin on my Clan's server, I understand the frustrations! I would like to have one rule clarfied for me quick like. I know about the not running but is it acceptable to run say across a street briefly? Or say a small opening between buildings? I ask because I was killed many times trying to follow the rule but would spawn in the same place time and again just to get killed everytime until spawning in a new spot.

Got on TS this morning. Would like to appologize to Lady Hawk and others for my mic being on VA when 2 of my 6 little ones came in screaming! Won't let it happen again! It was great gamng with you this morning and look forward to the next time I get a chance!

Riv out...

Last edited by RivanK on Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:51 am; edited 1 time in total

#2: Re: New to W@W and Bad Karma Servers Author: mr-t PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:57 am
RivanK no it is not acceptable to run from cover to cover unless it is a hot zone for example across the middle of cliffside. but what i would say is use smoke or flares this tends to let you cross safely

#3: Re: New to W@W and Bad Karma Servers Author: RivanKLocation: North Dakota, USA PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 12:05 pm
Yeah that was more or less the point I was trying to get across. An area where I know for certain that there is somebody layiong in wait or where I see Team members being gunned down. I have spent all night trying to read up in the Forums about this issue and other rules and understand how hotly this issue is contested! Thanks for your help Mr-T!

Riv out...

#4: Re: New to W@W and Bad Karma Servers Author: ToiletdkLocation: Blairsville, GA PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:34 pm

mr-t wrote (View Post):

RivanK no it is not acceptable to run from cover to cover unless it is a hot zone for example across the middle of cliffside. but what i would say is use smoke or flares this tends to let you cross safely

I have seen some admin warn for doing exactly this, on the exact map you mention..heh

Example :::  This was a while ago but, on the west side of the map there is a hole in the wall through which you can see a bunker.. There is just about always someone in that bunker shooting through the hole at anyone crossing..   One player ran across the hole knowing someone was there shooting folks who crossed.. he was called out for it..

If this was legal then it implies that some of the BK staff might be unfamiliar with the rules or that we have some general misinterpretation going on..

I personally think if you know someone is waiting to shoot you, then it would be tactically appropriate to move quickly across their lane of fire, but to stop running as soon as you get across..  its almost like you're running from a thrown grenade.. you only move to get out of range of the grenade, then resume your crouch..   But this is just my opinion.


#5: Re: New to W@W and Bad Karma Servers Author: MlgaBeanLocation: Colorado Springs, CO - USA PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:03 pm
in the situation of the doorway a flare or smoke would have worked fine for that position which is why running was not allowed. i personally never like to use flares or smoke (if they can't see you, you can't see them. and i'd much rather have a shot at them then never know where they are.)

#6: Re: New to W@W and Bad Karma Servers Author: BolerroLocation: Warshington (state) PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:21 pm

Toiletduck wrote (View Post):

I personally think if you know someone is waiting to shoot you, then it would be tactically appropriate to move quickly across their lane of fire, but to stop running as soon as you get across...Quack!

If you know someone is there waiting to shoot you, then no it would not be tactically appropriate in my opinion to run across. In real life you would not try to run across knowing that there is a great posibility you would get killed. You would find an alternate way around or use smoke or flares to greatly reduce the chance of getting hit.

The whole point of no running is to make players think about what they are doing and how to achieve there goal. Its not there as a penalty, its there to slow the game down a bit and make strategy a key element in your decisions. Kind of like hide and seek with weapons... tag your dead.   Razz

#7: Re: New to W@W and Bad Karma Servers Author: RivanKLocation: North Dakota, USA PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:29 pm

Bolerro wrote (View Post):

If you know someone is there waiting to shoot you, then no it would not be tactically appropriate in my opinion to run across. In real life you would not try to run across knowing that there is a great posibility you would get killed. You would find an alternate way around or use smoke or flares to greatly reduce the chance of getting hit.

Please remember I am new to World at War. I cannot remember the name of the 2 maps I was playing on, but on both I was spawning in some corner of the map with only ONE avenue of escape. It was at this point that I would atempt to leave the spawn in a slow crouch each time, only to be taken under fire by an opponent under cover. These are the examples I am trying to portray to *BK* admins as valid reasons to run for a short time. Just like Toiletduck said, if you KNOW they are there......why give them the free kill. Yes I have been trying to use the smoke and flares (new concept for me) and I am not trying to buck the system or get rules changed...the *BK* servers are absolutlely the only servers I am playing W@W on and I enjoy it immensely. I get on TS every time I'm on and have had quite good conversations with those on TS. I do plan  on continuing to play the *BK* servers. Thanks for the input and I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

Riv out...

Bad Karma -> CoD:WaW(5)

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