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Bad Karma -> CoD:WaW(5)

#1: MAP CYCLE PETITION Author: Soro PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 5:37 pm
Hi, many here must to know me from BK cod waw servers.

I've played with you for long time, normally finishing in first LOL.

I like the BK servers too much, they are the best in therms of well balanced rules, fun, tactical, but has a problem, a big problem that has become worst in the last weeks!

I don't know why, but you decided to cut some maps from map cicle, and this black list has grown. I'm scared.

I can't see any reason for that, and the explanations don't convence me.

Small maps? Big maps? Non tactical maps?

SubPnes is small and it is in the map cycle.

Downfall is big and it is in the map cycle.

Any map can be considered as tactical or not. It is only about how you play it.

Makin day and night are two of the most amazing maps, and they are out. WHY? Is it "too difficult" to adminstrate? Come on... tell something that make sense!

Roundhouse is fantastic, not too big, not too small, and it is out. WHY? We play it for months and months and now it is not good anymore? What?

Seelow, Banzai, Court. WHY to cut them out?

I don't like some maps as I like others. But I like all of them, and I can't see the your point.

So, please, bring those maps back.

I have not seen Cliffside the last days. Is it out too?

What will be next to cut? Airfield? Upheavel? Come on... COME ON!

We don't have to love all the maps, and we dont need to play all day just with 5 maps that everybody like.

You are guiding us to find out another servers to play with the maps we like, but we like to play here, with same people, under same good rules.

So, please, if you are one like me that want to see ALL THE GOOD MAPS back do mapcycle, please, subscribe this petition.

Let the fun back. With all the maps.

#2: Re: MAP CYCLE PETITION Author: LukeLocation: Grand Rapids, MI PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 6:10 pm
We change what maps that are available on our server about once a month. We do this to help keep the server interesting and new. We also have different maps on server 2 or 3 then on server 1. You never know what maps may show up next so keep playing to find out.


#3: Re: MAP CYCLE PETITION Author: tetLocation: Washington PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 6:41 pm

Luke wrote (View Post):

We change what maps that are available on our server about once a month. We do this to help keep the server interesting and new. We also have different maps on server 2 or 3 then on server 1. You never know what maps may show up next so keep playing to find out.


Especially in the middle of the night when there are only a half dozen or so people on.

#4: Re: MAP CYCLE PETITION Author: MisterMadd PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:53 am
all i want is a rush Valparaiso map for bf3... DICE GET ON IT!!!

#5: Re: MAP CYCLE PETITION Author: KarowLocation: Taos Missouri PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:47 pm
I believe Soro is refering to WaW Map rotation. Spunkie any thoughts on this.

#6: Re: MAP CYCLE PETITION Author: GUMPLocation: Martinsville, Indiana PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:01 pm
I play waw alot. I have noticed that some players ask for certain maps and sometimes they get them. I also have noticed that when a map comes into rotation, some just drop out causing less players to be in it. I think mixing up the maps will increase players. Just my two cents worth.

#7: Re: MAP CYCLE PETITION Author: DELETEDLocation: Thunder Bay, ON Canada PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:22 pm
One thing is that you can have lots playing on a small map, but it sucks having only a few playing on a big map. Keep the smaller maps in rotation and bring in the bigger ones only when the server is getting full.
Also since there is no 2nd server anymore, maybe we should look at making this one a no pistol, no riflenade, no 2nd chance server. The Otac tac server always has lots of players on it and that is them main difference between us. I know that's a big problem for some tac players.
Just my $0.02

#8: Re: MAP CYCLE PETITION Author: CakeLocation: North Carolina PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:19 pm
As an admin, I have been playing more on WAW, and do on occasion add maps to add some change to reduce the boredom. Sometimes those actions are well received and sometimes they
illecit  various unwelcome comments. I find that it is difficult to please everyone 100% of the time. We usually don't add them into the rotation, but add them for a one-time play and leave the
fixed rotation as is. This method has been approved by GOA Luke, when the number of players allow.

#9: Re: MAP CYCLE PETITION Author: JungleGeorgeLocation: Alabama PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:52 pm
I like the variety of the different maps and sizes and the difference in playing styles that comes when you a large number of players on a small map or a small number on a large map. I also like having ALL the perks available.

Yes, i grip about the pistol walking but only because the pistol  (in WaW) is as accurate as a rifle. I also gripe  about betties, C4, random nades, martyrdom, snipers,  and TK's from rifle nades, but having those perks available to players keeps the game interesting and not just a question of who has the better ping or faster PC.

Rather than restrict the perks I think we should look at penalties (if possible) for certain unwise behavior. For example, negative points for suiciding with a rifle nade, or modifying the weapons for pistol accuracy.

Just a thought...or several thoughts.

#10: Re: MAP CYCLE PETITION Author: DELETEDLocation: Thunder Bay, ON Canada PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:48 pm
I like the variety of maps added by the Admins at their discretion. Changes it up and gives some of the players a chance to play maps they request. Having a handful of players on a map like Breach would be a snore fest.......which is a snore fest at the best of times. Lately a few of us while playing Corrosion with fewer than 6-8 players stay inside the main building to do all the fighting. Makes it interesting.

I think to change the weapon settings etc. there would have to be Mods made to the server which from what I've been told in the past, is not what they want to do here. "No running" is a Mod that can be made to the server as well.
Banning certain weapons is a behavior and can be controlled by the rules such as the running. Every night there are players who leave because of riflenades, 2nd chance and pistols. When our server is empty the Out Tac server has lots of players and are the same names you see on ours.

Just say'n

#11: Re: MAP CYCLE PETITION Author: Just_A_GuyLocation: Pennsylvania PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:06 pm
It seems the problem with riflenades are from those who don't know how to use them. 2 days in a row there were multiple (i would say an average of 10) tk's because of people blindly launching the nades into buildings without checking the map for friendly activity. If they would be used correctly I don't think they would be a big deal as they do come in handy with campers located in well fortified areas.

Bad Karma -> CoD:WaW(5)

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