Creating a Squad
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#1: Creating a Squad Author: Lion PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:15 pm
Hi guys, ever since i found about the crating a squad option i would creat one if i am in the game and i will ask my fellow BK teammates to join.
The reasons i do this is first i like to know where they are, which in my opinion is another advantage besides TS that we can have, because not only i will hear what enemy or what is he talking about when referring to to  anything in the map, its also the abilty to open the map and see where exactly they are. so if they are getting pinned down, or jsut got killed, i can check that area and be able to help him/her/them. And i think that we can start crating fireteam squads when we are pleying a lot uf us in the game, lets say 2 or 3 Alpha Fireteam members are playing with 2 or 3 Charlie members, we can create 2 squads for each and have different task (Alpha cover right of map, Charlie Left or one plants while the other covers) or stuff like that.

Also the blue indicator of the tags will prevent more TK's being that its more contrasting than the green color. (which is a highly used color in any map).

The lsat thing its the feature to create a waypoint, its not that useful so far in TDM, but maybe in other gametype we can create security perimeters using this feature.

what are your thoughts?

#2: Re: Creating a Squad Author: StrandLocation: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:30 pm
Yea i agree about the whole making a squad idea, I do that anyways each map. I just find it a distraction when you press x to pop up the map and it takes up the whole screen, so my question(s) is.
a) can you make the pop up map smaller
b) when you create a way point for your squad is there any way to do this without using the popup map, for example the way the creat way point in the brother in arms series.

#3: Re: Creating a Squad Author: Socratic PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:31 am
I think this would be a great idea to do. =D

Do we need to be a certian rank or position to be able to make a squad?


#4: Re: Creating a Squad Author: Lion PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:24 am
Not really Socratic, anyone in the game can do it.

and strand: A) i dont know, maybe theres a command to do it, and B) no.

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