number of warnings?
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Bad Karma -> CoD: Black Ops

#1: number of warnings? Author: Pankrati PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:45 pm
I usually play on your servers between 2:00 & 6:00 am before work and lately I've seen a lot of runners. Usually I'll type in "no running" or "this is a crouch server", and for the most part it settles down rather quickly. However, this morning was starting to get out of hand, or at least I thought.
I was playing on server #3 and a few people were typing in to not run. An admin showed up but for as long as I was there the warnings just kept getting repeated. It's bad enough with fps, lag, high pings etc that some people are experiencing with this game and this just ruins it for me.
So I'm curious what your policy is on how many times a player is warned before they are kicked or is it at the discretion of the admin at the time. I know it's important to keep the server active/full but if it were up to me I would give 2 warnings and then kick. First one is just a given and the 2nd well, stuff happens but after that this boot will go up your butt with the proper amount of force applied.

Does it not say it's a crouch server when you log in, is it my fault you can't read? If you can't understand or respect an admin when your told not to run then maybe you shouldn't be here to begin with.Tough but fair and sometimes you gotta send a message, or maybe I just wouldn't make a good admin myself.

Anyways, just curious and thanks again for running the servers. I know it's not an easy job.

#2: Re: number of warnings? Author: RifleDanLocation: Quebec, Canada PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:15 pm
First, Thx for visiting us on the site and servers.
And thx helping us policing the servers by spreading rules to others.

For the warnings... : its pretty much like the baseball rules, strike 3 you're out.
For the rest i do believe its most at the discretion of the admin but, our rules are pretty strict about language and disrespect (of any kind) to the server or other players.
We do have a "general way" to admin and give kicks though.

Keep up the fight against rules breakers...... the good side always win.
And regular players like you just give us some more fuel for the go.


#3: Re: number of warnings? Author: BoneheadLocation: San Diego, Ca PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:34 am
Thanks for taking the time to stop buy and help out Pankrati. I know you have dropped buy our TS and given us a heads up on servers in the past also. I also play late nights most of the time, and yes it gets a little hectic with all the runners. The main problem is that at that time of night there are only a few members on trying to cover all the servers. Many times there may be only one member per server and it's very tough to see everything. So lets say I am the only member on a given server, I myself have not seen a player run but others are calling him out, should that player get kicked only on the word of others or should a member have to see him and give warnings also? I think we do take into account who the people giving the warnings are, by that I mean is it someone we see night after night on the servers helping out, or just a random person who just keep complaining about the same person. Another problem with the late night shift is that sometimes there just isn't an admin with kick ability on at the time. We may have members on who are giving warnings, but not everyone has the ability to kick. some nights there is an overlap between when one admin goes to bed and when the next one comes on, and things do get out of hand. Please believe me when I say we do our best to keep things under control and running (or should I say crouching) smoothly, but it's not an easy job sometimes. I hope this helps, and again thanks for helping out.

#4: Re: number of warnings? Author: Sheepdawg PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:44 am
after getting the badkon info i've been doing my best to give proper warnings.

If you are going to help I would say one thing.  Please make sure you include the name in your request.  "No Running", although helpful, is somewhat detrimental as the admins or BK member will have no idea who you are referring to.

No Running Sheepdawg, or sheep, or any part of the name(as long as it is unique) will allow people with badkon access to give an actual formal warning via Console.  Not only is it more noticeable, professional and enforcing.  It leaves a "ePaper trail" of warnings.  This way admins have proof of no wrong doing, in case someone has a Ban Rebuttal.

And of course, first and foremost, play and have fun! Twisted Evil

#5: Re: number of warnings? Author: Pankrati PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:04 pm
Good morning BK,

Thank-you for explaining that. I now have a much better understanding of how you admin that issue.

If I do find myself asking someone not to run I will include the name for your log and reference.
Once again, thanks for clearing that up.
Have a good one,

#6: Re: number of warnings? Author: Nam-RangerLocation: GEORIGA, USA PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:18 pm
3 stikes are way to much, should be just one. Next time they are caught running by the admin they are kicked , with no warning. I know you want to run a P&F severs, but I truely believe BK cares more about the runners than the proper players. I look at running as cheating BK should also. Why do you think they keep running? The answer is easy "BECAUSE WE CROUCHERS ARE SETTING DUCKS" they know this so they run.

Been on other crouch servers, most don't put up with runners. BK don't worry about your servers not being full they will always be.

#7: Re: number of warnings? Author: BraxisLocation: Connecticut, USA PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:54 pm
97% of the time, it takes between 30 seconds and 1 min from the first warning being given to a non stop runner to them being kicked.  The ones that take a bit longer are the ones who try to be sneaky about it and run when they think no one is looking.

We have full servers because of the way we admin, that includes our number of warnings. I have been on servers, even of very good friends of BK and gotten kicked because i accidentally tapped the run button for half a second.  This is a huge turn off for many players, and is a large part of the reason that many people prefer BK's polite and friendly servers.

also, if we see warnings from ANYONE, as long as there is a specific name involved, those will count towards our warning count (as long as we have verified that they are running).  so anyone can help us.  And before you say things about being a slow typist, before you come in game, open your console (~) and type out a warning  i.e. "this is a crouch server, please crouch to move" and hit enter. when in game, all you have to do is type the persons name, hit ~, and the up arrow, then enter. your warning will pop right up.


Bad Karma -> CoD: Black Ops

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