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Joined: Sep 25, 2013
Posts: 682
Location: Australia
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:26 am
To all, anyone that plays W@W, regularly, will agree that there has been an increase in "Intentional" spawn killing. This is having a detrimental effect on the game experience of those that play BK's most popular and supported game.

"Intentional" spawn killing uses the current rule ( Only run to avoid direct fire or nades ) against the spawning player, specifically - the spawning player is shot dead the moment they spawn, never having a fair and reasonable chance of playing and enjoying the game as intended by the BK W@W rules.

I suggest the following rule be implemented specifically to W@W - "Spawning" players may run to NEAREST cover.

This rule is a simple resolution and will be very easy to moderate (No harder than moderating any running player)  

As this is an issue and rule specific to members that play W@W I ask that this suggested rule be put to a vote by members that actually play W@W as they have an understanding of the impacts decisions and rules will have on this particular game.


Rule 1 - Running when under fire.
Running is only allowed when you are under fire OR TO NEAREST COVER FROM SPAWN. We do allow people to walk with sights up. If you`re being shot at, or if a grenade lands at your feet, then you can certainly run for cover.

For your consideration and action,

Karma K

Joined: Oct 27, 2012
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Location: Victoria, Australia
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:07 am
I understand what you're saying but it would extremely hard to enforce due to the fact that Everyone would claim that  " I just spawned " even if they have been doing short runs etc.
Unfortunately when you start changing the rules, things will go wrong, and people get confused and frustrated.

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Joined: Sep 29, 2013
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Location: Fairview Heights IL
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:23 am

MrKrinkle wrote (View Post):

I understand what you're saying but it would extremely hard to enforce due to the fact that Everyone would claim that  " I just spawned " even if they have been doing short runs etc.
Unfortunately when you start changing the rules, things will go wrong, and people get confused and frustrated.
all im going to say is agreed

Joined: Sep 25, 2013
Posts: 682
Location: Australia
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:26 am
Yes, I agree with you MrKrinkle, On a whole I think its a Moral Compass thing, Should We, as BK members, be Intentionally Spawn Killing. What do you say Natb1 ?

Joined: Mar 03, 2011
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Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:08 am
I say its a personal choice.



Now let it go.


PEOPLE FEAR.........what they dont understand.
Joined: Oct 09, 2009
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Location: Atl, GA
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:39 am

KarmaKaze wrote (View Post):

To all, anyone that plays W@W, regularly, will agree that there has been an increase in "Intentional" spawn killing. This is having a detrimental effect on the game experience of those that play BK's most popular and supported game.
Karma K

I disagree that there has been an increase in spawn killing anymore than there has always been and don't think the rules need amending.
Don't spawn and you won't get killed.  Razz

Joined: Mar 03, 2011
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Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:32 am

PEOPLE FEAR.........what they dont understand.
Joined: Mar 03, 2011
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Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:35 am

PEOPLE FEAR.........what they dont understand.
Joined: Nov 04, 2011
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Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:49 am
As you know you hardly hear anything from me regarding being killed too much lol as normally I am. I also am one that if I see you spawn I will not shoot until being aimed at (most of the time get killed due to my ping) or apologize for spawn killing if I feel I did.

I do get killed a lot out of spawn intentional or unintentional and I am use to this as no rule in place to sorta prevent this, so no need to get mad. Do I get frustrated? YES, but keep on trucking.

Now my rant is over, I do think we as BK should consider something to this effect as I see not only BK raging out but regular non-BK too getting upset and vocalizing it.

Mr. Krinkle, I do agree with you would be hard to define running to cover from spawn to a certain point, spawns are pretty predictable at most times so say they ran out a building would not define a true running from spawn no matter what they said about a warning. Also normally there is plenty of BK and religious regulars (might add "help us admin") to give witness.

I know this has been brought up many times in the past and ruled out, I just think we should as a group take a new look into this first and from all angels without dismissing it totally.

Thank you,

Joined: Feb 12, 2012
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Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:14 am
As Krinkle stated it would make enforcing the running rule more difficult. And spawn killing compared to spawn camping is a different concept which neither are against BK rules. And this is a subject that has been brought up many times and if people are pushing there is a good chance one may spawn kill. Now the spawn camping part as a BK member we should be setting the example and be the better player and try not to camp the spawns, however it is not against the rule. With W@W being an older game the majority of player all know the spots to set and watch for players. So trying to change the rule for a single game like this would be a major task of enforcing would cause more headaches and frustration than dealing with the occasional spawn camper so all I can say is Be the better person and set the example. And when it keeps happening take a break as i know how frustrating it can be because i have been one to cuss at my monitor many times over this issue

Joined: Sep 25, 2013
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Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:59 am
Well said to all, great to see we can have an open conversation about the games we play.

Joined: Sep 23, 2014
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Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:49 am
would be nice to have, is  a 5 sec spawn protection. just saying

Joined: Aug 16, 2011
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Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:42 pm
I think running on spawn to cover is the wrong way to handle this. I know spawn killing is not against the rules but let me give Makin Day as one example;

1. Players on spawning lie down in spawn & snipe the opposing spawn so they can not get out of it. (we as members should be setting an example & leaving spawn)

2. Temple side at big rock on the river trail I have witnessed BK members & guests fighting over this spot & spawn killing so the opposing team is trapped in spawn. (when I see someone at a spot I move on not try & push my way into it)

3. Number 2 above makes players lie down in the spawn so they do not die right off the bat & it just becomes a long range sniping match between the teams. (this is real frustrating when you try & flip the spawn & you keep getting sent back to spawn)

The real culprit here is spawn killing & some BK members not setting a good example in fair game play. I have also noticed BK members switching teams during a match to be on the winning team in all of our games that we play. (I never rage quit but this one has really pushed my buttons lately & causing me to leave some BF4 & BOP's matches because the teams are so lopsided.)

We can fix a lot of this without any rule change by just setting a good example & using good sportsmanship.

1.In BOP's don't pick a team use the auto assign feature & do not switch during the match. If you want to play on the same team family member or a friend or guest just ask someone in TS to swap with you.

2. The same thing in BF4 you just need to communicate in TS before you choose a side or just use auto assign. Ask other members what team in the game needs a player before you join & if you want to be on someone's team ask another member to switch.

3. We can start forming squads in W@W & get back to flipping the spawn to get rid of the spawn killers without changing any rules. (Too many lone wolfs can ruin a game, lets be a team again)

4.I think pistol walking is a culprit in this too. I mean we are a crouch to move clan not a walking clan & I think having this rule just encourages more rule violations. A crouched player is at a big disadvantage to a standing or walking player in my opinion. If we can afford another server maybe we could use one for crouch & one for pistol walking for a testing period.

We control our own destiny here guys & a lot of this can be solved without any major rule changes by just communicating with each other & being a good sport. We can tell when someone in TS is getting frustrated because of what is occurring in a game. We need to check the team balance during a match if there is no auto balance working & voluntarily switch to make it even again. It is not all about winning a game it is having fun with friends & that is what it is all about. We need to get back to that & not keep changing any rules.

Stab Quick & Stab Deep My Friends

This Knifes For You

Joined: Sep 25, 2013
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Location: Australia
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:11 pm
good points

Joined: Jul 07, 2010
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Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:47 pm
This horse has been beatin so bad all you guys are just kicking bones around now. That being said, you joined BK knowing the rules of the servers. You don't join to change them. Sorry but again no rules will change nor will new ones be written. I suggest you all just enjoy the game while it's still around.

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