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Complaint / Observation :: Player recourse...

Joined: Jun 02, 2009
Posts: 80
Location: Blairsville, GA
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:55 pm
Actually.. let me correct something..

In the state of Texas Citizens actually do have a legal duty to retreat when possible.  That's probably what you were taught in your carry concealed class.. Mind you I doubt there is any case law where a citizen was prosecuted for NOT doing so.. but still..

Texas now als has the Castle Doctrine which specifically states that you DONT in certain instances..  But law enforcment has never had that duty..  Active shooter doctrine in the state of Texas is now (talking to a buddy who is still a police officer) and always has been (even while I was a commisioned officer) to move as quickly as possible TO the shooter.

Now.. active shooter can be many things so.. once they stop shooting a  more tactical advance is just smart..   The fear being if they arent shooting they might be holding hostages..  if they ARE shooting, they aren't holding =)

Joined: Apr 11, 2009
Posts: 542
Location: Australia,TAS
Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:55 am
Its a very good point u bring up,BUT, i would have to say if u ran at me firing and killed me i would mostly likely say u Run and Gunned me, which is against our rules. And from my opion if i was being shot at i WOULDNT run directly at the guy holding the gun, i would most likely try and out flank your position, or run for me life not run at ya so u can shot me easier! just my opion on it all anyway.

Joined: Jun 02, 2009
Posts: 80
Location: Blairsville, GA
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:29 pm
Rule 3 states that charging an opponent is allowed when tactically appropriate.   Then states its not allowed to run at a player and shoot them.  That's confusing..

What exactly is a tactically appropriate charge if not to shoot them?

Joined: Mar 14, 2009
Posts: 315
Location: Denver, CO
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:23 am
We'll see if we can't get this straightened out.  As to charging someone who's shooting you, to an extent yes, but, you move from cover to cover.  Not run straight at them, at least that is how I was trained.  The only time you directly assaulted a group ambushing you was when you were caught directly in an ambush.  However, the others would attempt to flank. Like I had stated, that's how I was trained but I wasn't infantry but an MP and SRT.   I believe that rule 3 with the charge statement is only in the instance that you needed to move toward another player firing at you as that was the closest direction to cover, i.e. you are being fired from 2 directions you can move one direction but there is no cover, the closest cover happens to be where someone is firing at you.  You may move towards them, but, at least from my knowledge you do need to stop running and raise sights to fire at the enemy utilizing that cover.  One other thing is that you may take three steps or so to knife someone.  This does also cause a charge whether you are using a knife or fixed bayonet.

Joined: Feb 08, 2009
Posts: 571
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:28 am
Rolling Eyes

Chilling and Killing....

Joined: Mar 13, 2009
Posts: 3070
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:35 pm
Well, im sorry if my judgement is more in line with being a mother and using my head the way I would like to use it in order to stay alive. (hang on, who told you this was an ambush server???)
Last time I played, when being fired upon, I turned and ran for cover, as for running and gunning down the person who fired upon myself.....thats the run and gun technique we were trying to avoid on this server......well looks like im not needed here and if it does turn into a run and gun server please COUNT ME OUT!!!
I am an admin and if I see someone turn and run and gun someone down then I will serve a warning (2 if needed) then if it happens a 3rd time then I will kick that player as we do not tolerate 'run and gun' so please watch what your doing when the ladyhawk is on patrol!

Joined: Mar 20, 2009
Posts: 78
Location: Louisville, KY
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:29 pm
Same here as LadyHawk has stated that is run and gun! I am in KY with a concealed permit and if I'm in a gunfight Im running for cover and shooting you dead while you run directly at me in a straight line exactly where I'm firing!! Seems to me that would clear up any confusion....You cannot run faster than i can pull a trigger so in the time you are running straight at me ive done shot you 5-6-7 times. makes no sense to run at a player firing at you...Cop or no Cop. If your in a gunfight you would have seconds to really react and running at someone shooting at you unless they cant shoot makes no sense! I'll warn and boot to if i see it under my watch!

Joined: Jun 02, 2009
Posts: 80
Location: Blairsville, GA
Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:36 pm
I'm not trying to argue the rules here.. I'm just going for clarification..

I think the BK servers are good but I have seen repeated issues with the rules where folks see a rule and of course interpreted it in any way they choose..

The no running "unless over large open areas" one is painful in that most people seem to think that from one car to the next is a "large open area".. were these my servers I'd suggest removing that line entirely.. just leave it at no running unless being fired upon.

If running AT the person shooting you is against the rules then you probably should remove the "charging an opponent is allowed when tactically appropriate" as there is no time when its tactically appropriate..  =)  Not really..

Real life entirely aside, this is a game and the rules are there to keep the game fun for all.. I just see folks complain a lot about them..

Joined: Mar 20, 2009
Posts: 409
Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:04 pm
We are currently looking into the 'running only when under fire' rule and appreciate your comments/views.
thanks for your contribution!

Sniping is an art, not easilly learnt!

Joined: Jun 02, 2009
Posts: 80
Location: Blairsville, GA
Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:07 pm
I have played on some servers that have turned running off entirely.. It kinda stinks cause if a grenade lands at you're feet you're just done.. hehe

So I appreciate that its still on.. but its hard when no one obeys the rules.. (like half the folks on #2 at the moment..)

I seriously wish there was some mod or something you could run that would limit the running but.. eh I understand..

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