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whats wrong?

Joined: Jul 08, 2011
Posts: 30
Location: Kentucky
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:28 am
hey guys I really enjoy the server and all of the guys. I hope everyone that plays in the wow server knows me, and the good guy I am.  Tonight I felt pretty low.  let me explain.  Last week  combatwombat got frustrated because of the rifle nades, and left.  So I made an effort for now on to use them A LOT LESS.  Tonight I was playing and hadnt used them at all. I was on a map where others were using them all map.  The last 2 minutes I switched kits which had RN and used them,  I ended up with 30 kills, 6 of which came from Rifle nades.  There was a comment made while the next map was loading that ONE guy is ruining the game because they use rifle nades.  Someone then commented K9.  I tried to explain that I dont really use them anymore, and made new kits to use.  But I got no response.  It got me mad because I am being singled out when I really didnt use them.  I like all the BK guys who play here, and one day want to join.  I know I am not on TS but as a cop and single dad, I work too much right now, so I cant devote much time., a day here and there.  Once my schedule changes it will be better. But I also dont want to feel like the red headed step child in the room either.  If there is a problem with me or how I play, tell me, we are all adults.  I am sorry if I made anyone upset by using RN, I am cutting back and rarely use them now.

Joined: Mar 03, 2011
Posts: 1909
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:02 am
Its good to hear that you are thinking of joining!!

Riflenades are by far the most frustrating thing about W@W. There is not much defense against them even if you do kill the person shooting them.
They are part of the game, and like you said we need to be adults about it.
All I can do is tell you how I handle it and hope it helps you.

When I get accused of something or get frustrated about getting killed by riflenades, pistol walkers and second chancers, I stand up..............pick up the bat that I have sitting on the side of the desk..........walk over to the punching bag I have laid on the floor...........and proceed to beat the living tar out of it!!!.......then take a deep breath and continue on with my game!  


I think to myself. maybe the person who is complaining doesnt have the luxury of owning a bat and that is why they are complaining??  Or maybe they werent taught how to control thier emotions and thier only outlet is to play this game but because they dont have the skill or knowledge of how to  control thier emotions, they feel the need to bully other players by making them as angry as they are and then we end up loosing good players like yourself.

so in conclusion I sugest you buy a bat!

Hope that helps!

take care and see you on the battlefield!

PEOPLE FEAR.........what they dont understand.
Joined: Feb 10, 2011
Posts: 338
Location: Pennsylvania
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:06 am

I am sorry that you are distraught about the event. I was on as you may know, but I did not see the discussion. Right now there is a lot of talk about removing rifle nades from the server as lately there has been a lot of tension with members and players about rifle nades and tk's. I do not think the comment was meant for you about rifle nades because I have not noticed you using them much. That map was full of random rifle nades and If i had a kit I would've joined in myself as I often have when I get frustrated by them. Please do not take the event to heart. We enjoy you playing on our server and would miss you killing us.

Also about joining, you don't have to have all the time in the world to join. There are no time obligations. But if you would rather wait that is fine as well. We would love to have you in the family.

Joined: Mar 22, 2009
Posts: 131
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:17 am
Some people like em and some people don't , when I first started playing on bk waw server the pistol walkers and the nade launchers use to make me
really anode but I just adapted to them and played on. I guess you have to see it from a admin's perspective , the more rules you add the more baby sitting they have to do in that server. I guess it's hard enough having to chase all the runners out lil own having to add more rules to the mix. I would personally like to see no nade launching in the game but I think its asking for more hassel then what its worth. All in all its a really fun server to play on with a good bunch of guys and don't let a lil critasism get ya down K9 , shake it off and get a mic and sign up and come on TS , its a lot of fun,  You'll have a better experience in the game and meet a fun bunch of guys  Very Happy

Joined: Jul 08, 2011
Posts: 30
Location: Kentucky
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:43 am
ok, ill make it an effort to get a mic this week

Joined: Jan 29, 2009
Posts: 4259
Location: Melbourne / Australia
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:54 am
Ok - I'll wade into this. Like them or hate them, they are allowed on BK servers. So K9 you can still use them. However, as Just A Guy said, BK is discussing the pros and cons of keeping or removing that feature. Dont get disheartened just continue playing and yes get a mic if you can.

Joined: Dec 10, 2009
Posts: 281
Location: Arkansas
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:16 pm
Hey K9 I was there on that map but did not see the comment made to you at the end of the map, but with all the riflenades that where flying, to single you out is wrong! The thing about riflenades is if someone start using them for what ever reason  other people will bring them out and on a map like Sub Pen the next thing you know the hole map is lite up with them. I'm not going to lie and say I don't mind riflenades that would not be true but they are allowed here and until that change we live with them, I personal never use them and that not going to change. As for membership here goes, I would love to see you join BK!  So get a Mic join us on TS and watch your back because I may be trying to put a knife in it soon LOL!


Joined: Mar 13, 2009
Posts: 3070
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:46 pm
I cant stand snipers spawn killing me so I use riflenades to remove the snipers.......
its all good at the end of the day and I always got stick for placing betty's in awkward spots Wink

Joined: Dec 10, 2009
Posts: 1713
Location: Quebec, Canada
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:24 pm
Imagine LadyHawk's dream........
Hope to see you soon Lady !!

 “ Carpe Diem Quam Minimum Credula Postero “

Joined: May 20, 2009
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Location: Martinsville, Indiana
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:15 pm
I too didnt see the comment K9. Of course I dont look too much at the console for fearing a STING of a knife in the back. Like stingray soon as one comes out, seems like who ever has them  loads up and fires. I use to use them awhile back to get the hard to reach places, but have changed my kits and have no more. I know it is really frustrating to walk around a corner and get blasted by someone 2 feet from ya. Just hang in there and things will work out.

Joined: Feb 17, 2009
Posts: 493
Location: New York, NY
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:20 pm
Sorry it ruined your game. It sounds like you really needed to game and all it did was make you feel lousy. That really sucks - and I've been there, so I know.

I think the main issue here is not whether or not rifle nades are annoying but about the server rule to maintain a Polite and Friendly atmosphere. What you experienced was harrassment, plain and simple. If a player is following the rules set by BK, then they should have a right to not have harrass someone by criticizing their style of play. That goes for "noob tuber!", "second chance noob!", "camping loser!" or whatever form the abuse may take.... and ESPECIALLY when it comes to calling someone a hacker or cheater. Someone or everyone should call out the person making these kinds of comments as against the spirit of the server.

I once in a while get crap from certain players (usually when I'm having a realy good game - which isn't as often as I'd like) and sometimes an admin will tell them to knock it off. Other times these creeps have just kept it up even though I've ignored them (or targeted them for knifing - which usually makes it worse but gives me some satisfaction Wink ) I've ended up just getting so annoyed that I have to leave. No one should get harrassed on these servers.

Joined: Jan 06, 2010
Posts: 7
Location: Cincinnati
Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:03 am
The rifle naders that are really annoying are those players who use them as a primary weapon. I have them as a secondary weapon on a kit with the overkill perk and a STG44 as the primary weapon. I try to use them only to clear out tough to get into rooms and such. The guys who just walk around with them and blast you from 5 feet away and somehow survive themselves are the maddening ones.
That being said, I would rather be on a server full of rifle nades as opposed to one with half the other team pistol walking.  Wink

By the is still the best server for CoDWaW even with all rifle nades and pistols. Thanks BK.

Joined: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 2523
Location: Taos Missouri
Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:50 pm
K9 our members have no time requirements. If you can only once a week once month that is fine so get a 7 dollar mic from wally world and fill out that app to join BK.

As to the main topic of this thread. I do not care for the RN either.but they are part of the game and with in the rules. Which I don't believe they will change. Just enjoy the game and fill out that app soldier.

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