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Civilians Shooting Won't be Allowed in Battlefield 3

Joined: Jul 26, 2007
Posts: 9907
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:20 pm
In a recent interview with RPS, executive producer Patrick Bach has revealed Battlefield 3 will not allow players to shoot civilians citing reasons like they don't want to put players in a situation where they could take on a darker role in the game by simply not providing the moral choice and wouldn't like videos of mass civilian killings in BF3 surfacing on the internet. He said,

Read more here:

Joined: May 31, 2011
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Location: Fort McMurray, AB
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:29 pm
Some folks still don't know games are fantasy, i guess..

-- Of all the soles I've ever tasted, his had the most   ....cumin. --
Joined: Feb 22, 2011
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Location: New Jersey
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:38 pm
I applaud BF3's decision...

As a veteran, it sickened me when I heard about the little gimmick Idiot Ward put in MW2 which is why I never played it nor will I was a disgrace to those that have served or continue to serve...

CoD used to stand for an honorable series that harbored on the events of those that fought these battles, interviewing those brave men that actually fought in WWII to keep accuracy...and while Modern Warfare  was a nice next up, they should've left it as least Treyarch tried to keep it real...

The most amusing thing is the picture below the small article...judging by the views BF3 has, more people are realizing that MW is just trying to stretch out their cash cow and would rather see a new, freshly built game...oh and the ages circled tell the real's console kiddies that fuel what's left of MW's flame...but at least one day they'll grow up...

Joined: Aug 25, 2009
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Location: GEORIGA, USA
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:01 am
Shooting civilians is something men in war try to avoid, its just wrong. That is like the game "GRAND THEFT AUTO" to kill POLICE OFFICERS that is so wrong even in games to be able to do that. Those men and women deserve the up most respect. Lots of kids play these games, even if they are rated "M". Kids are being taught "IT IS OK TO KILL CIVILIANS IN WAR AND TO KILL POLICE OFFICERS that i so wrong.

Joined: Nov 15, 2010
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Location: Denver, Colorado
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:45 pm
I agree with all of the above!  The choice of DICE to leave that feature out is good for them, and for us.  It's a good moral decision that many will say is "simply a move to avoid prosecution."  Probably.  But in this case, the right decision is also the best business decision.

Joined: Mar 10, 2010
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Location: NC
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:50 pm
If a video game that was not designed to be educational is teaching kids anything, then that is a short falling on parenting. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that shooting civilians being put into a game is good. In MW2 there was a reason as to why you are doing it. I truly hope that even for our most secretive of military groups, that isn't something they would ever be asked to do. I could see it happening though. As far as GTA goes, I know more cops that play that game, even play with their kids, than regular people. I don't know if there is a cop under the age of 50 where I live that doesn't play and enjoy the game very much. It is a game that puts you in control of a criminal, working with local gangs and the mafia. You are suppose to do criminal things to advance the game. If someone is allowing this game to persuade their personal life in anyway, it is not the games fault and it is not the fault of the people who created the game.

Joined: Aug 25, 2009
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Location: GEORIGA, USA
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:58 pm
Trygar, you can say what you want and yes it is the developers fault. It is up to parents to explain "THIS IS JUST A GAME" it is very wrong to do these in life. Bad thing some parents have no parenting skills.

Joined: Mar 10, 2010
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Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:05 pm
So it is game developers that have caused so many people to join the military, police etc? Is it the developer of Super Marios' fault if a kid tries to jump across a ravine or from the top of a building to another?  Is it Activision's fault if a kid shoots someone with a gun that was in one of their games? No, it isn't. If a child, teen or even adult has such a loose grip on reality then that is something that should have been picked up on by a parent or friend. A game developer is not and should not be responsible for what people do in their life just because they may have played their games. I have been playing war games, games like GTA, and many other violent video games for as long as I can remember. I have yet to shoot someone because I thought I was in a video game or because a video game made me think it was ok. Soon we will be able to blame everything on video games. Then we will be able to go back to blaming movies. Soon the only entertainment we are allowed to have will be government sanctioned television. Video game developers make what sells. Right now that is war, crime, violence and sports. When GTA is taken off of the shelves CoD, Battlefield, MoH, APB and any other game that has a weapon in it will follow.

Joined: Feb 25, 2009
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Location: Ontario, Canada
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:40 am
I'm not sure if I totally agree with taking it out...

I think that it might have actually improved the game if they left it in, but then PENALIZED your score for "collateral" damage.

It's bad enough when you TK by accident, but taking a BIG hit for civilian casualties might have actually cut down on random fire.

I've never been in the US military, but I understand that being sure of your target is a big deal in "Modern Warfare" training.

Wouldn't that have made the game more realistic? And more challenging?

However, you have to respect that they actually had the courage to take a stand on this even if you don't agree with their position.

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